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  • Joshua Page

Circling the Mountain......

……..Instead of climbing it.

“I’ll get started with class, once I lose a few more pounds.”

“I’m just so busy right now, I am going to start next month.”

“I need to diet, but there is no use to start until the Holidays are over.”

Do any of these sound familiar? Chances are they do. We have either said them ourselves or heard someone else spew them out at some point.

Chances are you also don’t believe a word of these, even when you say them to yourself.

So many of us are “circling the mountain….instead of climbing it.”

Waiting on the strength to finish before you even get started.

What we fail to understand sometimes is that:

It's not about the strength, it's about the process.

It's not about having all the knowledge, it's about learning as you go.

It's about making mistakes; massive, embarrassing, painful, and sometimes expensive mistakes.

It's about failing over and over and over again, with no lack of enthusiasm. Success is built on thousands of failures.

Success is embracing the fact that you will fail, but never accepting that those failures are the end of your journey.

The “Climbing” is where the strength is made, the “Climbing” is where the learning happens, the “Climbing” is where your body, mind, and spirit are forged and purified, are made new and better. Where you become transformed into that person of action, that person of influence, that person of ability to climb to the top of the mountain.

It's so crowded at the bottom of the mountain, with masses looking up at the peek, but the top of the mountain is empty, with only a select few people of action looking out from that peek.

Today is a great day to stop looking up at the peek, to stop circling the foot of the mountain, and fix your eyes on the path right in front of your face…..and start climbing. The future you will be glad that you did.

"You will either tell your day what to do or you will wonder where it went." Maxwell

-Joshua Page, Hickory Academy of Martial Arts

IG@ hickoryacademy

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