Water the Seeds you Want to Grow

It seems like simple advice…and it is, but watering the seeds we want to see grow can be difficult.
Everyone wants to enjoy more success, wants to enjoy life, worry less, experience and achieve excellence in some arena….but the truth is most of us are struggling to get there. That many of us feel quite lost, and get frustrated and quit on ourselves far to often.
However the Good News is, that it is never Too Late to change that, that it is always a great time to do something positive, and the only thing holding us back is simply taking that first step.
So with that in mind how do we start watering the right plants? It is simple really, just pay attention to the roots.
What are the roots of success? There are many but here are a few to get you started:
Self Improvement, spend time on developing yourself. Water those roots by reading, by studying successful people, by talking with a mentor who can point you in the right direction, attending seminars, and talks, by working with positive leaders and difference makers in your community. Watering the roots of Self-Improvement will help you grow not just yourself but others, and bloom success into your life and theirs.
Self-Discipline: Organize your day, prioritize the things that make the most positive growth in your life. Take a few minutes to research the 80/20 rule to learn more about what things should come first. Simple things like making your bed each morning, exercising for 20 minutes as soon as you wake up, taking a 10 minute walk each day, adhering to a healthy diet. They each day require varying levels of self-discipline, but the payoff of these actions far out weighs the sacrifice. itive growth in your life. Take a few minutes to research the 80/20 rule to learn more about what things should come first. Simple things like making your bed each morning, exercising for 20 minutes as soon as you wake up, taking a 10 minute walk each day, adhering to a healthy diet. They each require varying levels of self-discipline, but the payoff of these actions far out weighs the sacrifice.
Mindfulness: Make a point each to slow down, to take a moment before you act, before you speak to consider the impact your words and actions might have. Take minute at the end of the day to think about your day, what you feel good about, what you might improve on, and who you helped have a better day. It will reframe how you look at your day, and will help you add water to the areas that are in need in your life, and the lives of those around you.
By paying attention to these roots and others, you will start to see positive growth in all the seeds you wish to cultivate, start to see success blooming where there was none previously or in areas that were starting to die on the vine. Remember you can just water your own plants, but the garden is so much more beautiful and useful to everyone when you help other peoples plants get plenty of water, sunlight and attention too!
Of course none of these will work….unless you use them. So don’t wait, start today. You will thank yourself somewhere down the line.

-Joshua Page